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We are at a profound time in history.
The world is waking up. Millions of souls are currently going through this process.
You are not alone.


This "great awakening" will catapult us into the golden age.

1000 years of peace and prosperity will be experienced by those willing to evolve.

We all have a choice.


The process of awakening usually starts with self enquiry.

This can be about who you are or events happening around you. 

Everything you thought you knew no longer rings true.


You may feel depressed or anxious, lost and stuck or you may just not want to be here anymore. 

This can be a very difficult time in one's life.


A common first step is asking yourself, WHO AM I?


It can take years to go through the awakening process, we don't have years anymore, this is happening now.

I am here to not only make it easy, but a fun and highly rewarding experience.


Millions of souls are waking up all over the planet. It is a truly magnificent time to be alive.


I am an old soul master, I understand the process of awakening at a fundamental level.

I have taught over 700 students and love what I do.


My awakening journey started in 2012 and was particularly difficult.

This allowed me to experience everything I needed to teach.

I didn't know it then, but this was my life purpose.


What happened to me?


The universe pushed me to wake up by making life so difficult I had no other choice.

I lost all of my money, I lost my daughter and husband, I lost my business and became homeless.

I  hit rock bottom and was desperate to remember who I was.


12 years on and I know exactly who I am.

I am content, balanced, connected and ready to be of service to help those ready to wake up.

I pass on years of wisdom and knowledge in just 10 lessons.

These are the foundational steps you will need to escape fear and to remember who you are.


What will you learn?


You will learn to escape the mind.

The mind is just a collection of memories governed by ego to keep you asleep.

When you tame the ego, there is no judgement, you no longer take things personally or make assumptions.

You fully step into your power. 


You will learn how to live only in the present moment.

This is the most important step to achieving higher consciousness. 

Buddhists describe this as the middle way, no time, no stress just being.


Once you achieve this balanced state, depression and anxiety cannot exist. 

You can not exist in two paradigms at the same time.


You will learn about diet, meditation and how to achieve balance.

Your soul plan highlights what you are here to do. 

This provides great comfort and provides confidence to navigate life with ease.


Understanding numerology helps you interpret synchronicities and helps you understand why people

around you act the way they do.


This new found power allows you to detach from the matrix and become connected to multidimensionality.

This is where everything changes and life becomes blissful.

Learning to awaken is the most incredible journey of discovery.

It's like going from a world of black and white into a world of technicolour.


I have recorded my 10 lesson programme for you to study at home.

Traditional therapy is not the tool for now.

What clients say below.


My name is Charlie Greig, I am an Old Soul Master/Healer, a Published Author "Depressed to Happy" 

a certified Soul Plan Reader and Numerologist.


I have just been awarded, one of the "Top Ten" healers in the world 2020.


Having undertaken this journey personally and helped hundreds of clients through my sessions, I understand the process of waking up to who you truly are at a fundamental level.


This enables me to articulate concepts in an easy, fun and understandable way.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

study at home
10 lesson programme

Your awakening journey starts here...​


Please pay below and I will send you the link to get started.

Cost £220.00.





You can ask questions in the comment box below each lesson, and I will do my best to answer you.

The WHO AM I 10 lesson programme contains all the tools you need to wake up.

I recommend a lesson a week so you have time to do the homework and practice the steps you learn between lessons.


This programme contains 10 hours of comprehensive instruction.


If you would like to order your personalised soul plan for lesson 4, please click the box below.​​


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In 10 weeks I learnt more than I have ever learnt in my life! This programme is for EVERYONE, it’s a life changer and I am forever grateful.


Daisy Age 40

A range of additional tools are available to help you.


My book - Depressed to Happy - A step by step guide to finding authentic happiness.


Soul Plan Reading - Discover your purpose, challenges and talents through your souls intended journey.

I’m happier than I have been in a very long time and see opportunities everywhere.

Charlie reminded me that anything is possible!

Can’t recommend Charlie enough!

She’ll change your life.


Kirin Age 34

Therapy Sessions
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